Cat No.: AU5103-1921:
No of pages in original: 438pp
Year published: (1921)
Example entry taken from the 8 June 1921 issue:
Special Inquiry - Murder
Special inquiry is requested to locate one Frank Dalton (correct name Edward Francis Dalton, alias Frank Carlton, alias Charles Murphy), who is wanted by Sheriff J.W. Hoggatt, Cowlitz County, Kalama, Washington, U.S.A., for murder. Description:- 33 years of age, 178lbs. weight, 5ft. 11 1/2in. high, dark complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes. He enlisted at Adelaide, on February 2nd, 1915, and embarked for active service abroad on April 20th of the same year, being attached to the 10th Infantry Battalion. He was subsequently transferred from the battalion in France to the Anzac Provost Police Corps, England, and later promoted to the rank of corporal, but on October 24th, 1918, was reported as an illegal absentee, and has not since been heard of by the military authorities. His wife and two children reside at Murray Bridge, but they have not heard from him since March, 1918. A passport, No. 5783, was issued to him at Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., on March 17th, 1921 and it is thought that he will return to Australia. A reward of one thousand dollars is offered for his arrest. If located in South Australia, keep under surveillance, and communicate with Detective Office, Adelaide, where his photograph is filed. Vide P.C.C. 964/1921.-(C.2335)
Some features of this year:
• marine stores collectors' licences
• list of medical officers appointed to attend destitute persons' in country districts
• a few photographs of those wanted.
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