South Australian Police Gazette 1908


Cat No.:   AU5103-1908:

No of pages in original: 344pp

Year published: (1908)


Police Gazettes are not only unique in their content, but they are a greatly undervalued, and underused source for researchers of local, family and social history. Compiled to be distributed amongst the Police Force only, these Gazettes therefore contain details and information that can not be found anywhere else.


They include court lists, given on rewards, housebreak-ins, robberies, arson, murders, lost horses and cattle, deserters, escaped prisoners, missing friends, lost or stolen items, reports on those apprehended and released, changes in the police force ... and so much more.

Issued approx. weekly, here collected together on the one CD is the whole years worth of issues.

Example entry taken from the 3 June 1908 issue:

Warrants issued for the following:-

Otto Hamburg, a pianist, 38 years, 5ft. 5in. high, medium build, fair complexion, usually dressed in a shabby grey tweed suit, soft shirt, and grey cap, may be heard of piano-playing at hotels, &c., for non-payment of fine and costs (£2 5s. in all) on a charge of having used indecent language in a public place, at Adelaide, on May 14th, 1908. In default of immediate payment to be imprisoned in the Adelaide Gaol for the space of one month.

A valuable resource for those with family in South Australia in this time frame.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   9781921416286;