Cat No.: AU5055:
No of pages in original: 515pp
The small town of Pinnaroo, South Australia has a long and fascinating history. ‘Pinnaroo: Miracle of the Mallee' was published in 1983 by the Pinnaroo Historical Society as part of the celebrations for 75 years of local government. It is an interesting and comprehensive history of Pinnaroo from the 1830’s.
The title refers to the “miracle” of the sub artesian basin which enabled an area that was otherwise desert to take root and flourish. This book tells the story of how the society grew through the hard work of the people involved despite the hardships faced in developing in such an area.
It includes information on the early pioneers, the development of farming in such a different environment, the development of community projects and the establishment of infrastructure as well as including many biographies and stories about the community and information on churches, societies and clubs.
Well presented with many photographs, maps and sketches, this CD book will be of interest to many Australian historians and genealogists.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921230721;