Cat No.: AU5046:
No of pages in original: 607pp
‘South Australia: Its History, Resources and Productions’, was edited and largely written by William Harcus in 1876. The book was published by authority of the Government of South Australia, with, like several similar books of this period, the hope that it would inform people “back home” in England of the prosperity of the colony and thus encourage them to migrate.
The book contains about 600 pages full of detailed information of the colony including chapters on founders, pioneers, colonial development, government, land, mining, railways and infrastructure, industries, religion, education and exploration. The book also contains additional chapters on the Northern Territory and Central Australia.
Detailed sections are also included on flora, fauna, statistics, geology and mines written by experts in the field. The book also includes maps of South Australia and Australia.
It contains a great deal of useful information for historians of South Australia’s history and also those with South Australian ancestors.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921175886;