Cat No.: AU4115-1887:
No of pages in original: 732pp
Year published: (1887)
More than an almanac, and more than a directory, this volume was a must-have for everyone of the time. It contains information on events that were scheduled throughout 1887, gardening advice, biographies of notable 'men of the time' in Queensland, government and law information, medical practitioners, ministers of religion, postage and telegraph information together with costs, railways stations and their fares, stations and station owners ... and so much more.
The Directory is most useful, covering not only the city of Brisbane, but also the major towns around Queensland. The services in each (even including various societies ... and their members) are detailed, as are people with their occupations and address.
Fully searchable on CD-ROM, this is a valuable source of historical information which will be useful for all with an interest in Queensland people, towns and society in 1887.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921461231;