Pugh's Almanac & Queensland Directory 1868


Cat No.:   AU4115-1868:

No of pages in original: 356pp

Year published: (1868)

Directories and almanacs are a valuable resource for local, family and social historians as well as for researchers in other fields of Australian history. The long-running Pugh's series provides a wealth of information on people, places and society of the day.

This edition contains a Brisbane directory as well as a country directory. The Brisbane directory lists the occupations alphabetically with names and street under each. The country directory lists the towns as well as stations, and station-owners.

In addition it includes details on over 40 other areas. Everything from eclipses and newspapers, to postal information and the Works Department is covered, as well as numerous advertisements. This is a valuable guide to the people, places and social history of Queensland in the 1860s.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   9781921416446;