Pugh's Almanac & Queensland Directory 1866


Cat No.:   AU4115-1866:

No of pages in original: 368pp

Year published: (1866)

Directories and almanacs are a valuable resource for local, family and social historians as well as for researchers in other fields of Australian history. The long-running Pugh's series provides a wealth of information on people, places and society of the day.

This edition contains a Brisbane directory as well as a country directory. The Brisbane directory lists the occupations alphabetically with names and street under each. The country directory lists the towns as well as stations, and station-owners.

This almanac and directory for 1866 was the eighth year of publication, and consists of not only a Brisbane suburbs directory, and a country directory, but also details in 45 other areas. A sample listing includes the auditor-generals department, banking establishments, calendar, charities, consuls, electric telegraph, immigration, law and the legal profession, medical practitioners, military and volunteers, newspapers, Oddfellows, ports and harbours, royal family, stations and more are all included.

This makes for interesting reading for those with an interest in Queensland during this period.

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FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   9781921416163;