Cat No.: AU4110-1915:
No of pages in original: 985pp
Year published: (1915)
What is a Directory?
In general terms a directory is an extended version of our current day white pages and yellow pages combined (without the telephone numbers). They list many thousands of names, occupations and addresses ... but also so much more.
What information does this Queensland Directory contain?
The Wise's were one of the most comprehensive in their coverage, covering the whole of Queensland, not just Brisbane and suburbs, all the regional towns are included too. You will find details of many thousands of people, together with their occupation and residence. You can also find out more details about place in which they lived, the other residents in the town, and the services available in the region ... all of which help to paint a picture of your ancestors life. There are also directories for banking and finance, legal, municipal, ecclesiastical, insurance, educational, medical, pastoral and agricultural sectors.
What areas are covered by this Directory?
This directory covers Brisbane city, its suburbs, and regional Queensland (over 1500 places are covered). The Street directory which lists heads of households house-by-house, street-by-street covers: Brisbane, Charters Towers, Rockhampton, Toowoomba and Townsville.
How can this Directory help me?
Directories are an extremely useful tool for establishing when and where a person lived however this is just a starting point, look further in the directory to find out more information about the society in which they lived, the occupation they held and the people they knew. Using this directory will give you the names of the householder street-by-street for a number of regions. The Alphabetical section lists all householders alphabetical by surname, together with their occupation and residence. The towns section lists the towns alphabetically, together with the householder, and their occupation. You will also find the trade directory useful, as it lists everyone alphabetically by trade, together with their address. There are government, legal, ecclesiastical, banking, municipal and pastoral directories included as well.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921081170;