Queensland Police Gazette 1906


Cat No.:   AU4103-1906:

No of pages in original: 512pp

Year published: (1906)

Example entries taken from the 19 May 1906 issue

Explosion in Queen's Cross Mill, Charters Towers - £500 Reward

Home Secretary's Office,

Brisbane, 2nd November, 1905.

His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to direct that a Reward of £500 be paid for such information as may lead to the apprehension and conviction of the person or persons who were concerned in the explosion that occurred at the Queen's Cross Mill, Charters Towers, on the morning of 1st October, 1905, and that a pardon be granted to any person concerned in the crime, no being the principal offender or one of the principal offenders, who may give such information.

P. Airey.

(Refer to Police Gazette, 1905, page 395.)

Escaped Lunatic

Toowoomba - Escaped from the Asylum for the Insane, Toowoomba, at 4 p.m. on the 27th ultimo, William Woodley, 52 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, stout build, dark complexion, nose slightly inclined to the left, old scar bridge of nose, left leg deformed between knee and ankle, walks with a slight limp; wore dirty white mole trousers, striped drill shirt and flannel, brownish soft felt hat, blucher boots, but no socks; a labourer; was admitted to the asylum on 15th November, 1905, from Charleville. He had no fixed place of abode, and his friends (if any) are unknown. On the 29th ultimo he called at a farm on Cooby Creek, Meringandan, where he was supplied with food by a farmer named Carter, what states that he (Woodley) is now wearing an old grey tweed coat. He was directed from there to the Douglas road, which leads to Esk and Nanango. He is not dangerous.-O.1024. 8th May, 1906.

 The 1906 issues include both the approvals and transfers of:

• auctioneers licences

• billiard licences

• hawkers licences

• packet licences

• poisons certificate licences

• registration of clubs licences

• tobacco licences

• victuallers licences

• wine-sellers licences and

• wholesale spirit dealers licences

A unique and extremely fascinating resource for local, family and social historians - useful for anyone with an interest in Queenslanders in this era.

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