Cat No.: AU4100-1862:
No of pages in original: 803pp
Government Gazettes are a much underused source, partly because of their availability (you would usually only find them select archive offices or libraries), and partly because people don't know about them. Now that we have started releasing them on CD-ROM, everyone has access to this amazing resource.
Issued once a week, as well as releasing 'Extraordinary' special issues from time to time, they are full of fascinating information, both historical and genealogical. You will find information such as land transactions, legal notices, proclamations, public auctions, public meetings, insolvency and bankrupt notices, impoundments, partnerships, licences, contracts, government institutions and positions, statistics and much more. So if you've got an interesting in Queensland during this period - you're bound to find something of interest.
Example entry taken from the 6 December 1862 issue:
In the Supreme Court of Queensland
In the Insolvent Estate of Daniel Kelly, of Brisbany, licenced publican.
Notice is hereby given that the abovenamed Insolvent intends on MONDAY, the Twenty-sixth day of January next, to apply to His Honor the Judge of this Honourable Court that a certificate may be granted to him in terms of the Act 7 Victoria, No. 19.
Dated this 5th day of December, 1862
James Francis Garrick,
Attorney for the above named Insolvent.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921371363;