Cat No.: AU4005-2:
No of pages in original: 2225pp
Year published: (1902-13)
The Queensland Baptist was the monthly newspaper of the Baptist Association in Queensland. This CD contains the issues from 1903 to 1913.
Each issue contains articles on issues of the day, topical articles by different people, news from Baptist churches throughout the state of Queensland, missionary news, and inter-colonial news. They also often contain reports and statistics of different kinds, articles on different people, obituaries and articles on different Queensland churches as well as stories, poems, songs and letters. They even include adverts of local businesses (i.e.. bookshops, dentists, confectioner, organ seller, insurance, and clothing stores).
This resource is useful for those with an interest in Church histories, as well as for those with ancestors who where prominent members in the Baptist churches of Queensland, or people with as interest in the social history of Queensland.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921416484;