The Sydney University Calendar 1887


Cat No.:   AU2120-1887:

Old university calendars contain a wealth of information on people associated with the university as well as an insight into the courses of study offered and university life and culture generally. And this CD which is searchable on any name, subject or word you desire will open up access to much of this information that you may not have considered or found convenient to access in the past.

A sampling of the information on this CD:

information on numerous people associated with the University from its foundation in 1850 to 1887

- officers of the university

- professors and lecturers

- members of the university

- graduates - with degrees awarded and year of graduation

- undergraduates

- those awarded scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries, prizes etc

- donors of prizes etc.

- lectureships and fellowships

- benefactors - private, stained glass windows, portrait and library

colleges of the university with staff, fellows, undergraduates, endowments and prizes

hospitals recognised by the university for study purposes

courses - timetables, subjects and details, recommended books, examination subjects and fees

various reports

examination papers December 1886 and March 1887 - over 150 pages of detail.

If anyone in your family had association with Sydney University from 1850 to 1887 as student, faculty, member or donor then this CD will be of interest.

The whole 489 page volume is searchable on any word.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   9781920978334;