Cat No.: AU2117-1875:
No of pages in original: 1010pp
Year published: (1875)
Directories are a useful source of historical information, and this one is no different. A large volume of over 1000 pages, this Greville's Directory is much more than just a Post Office Directory. It also contains maps, a gazetteer of New South Wales, a history of the colony, and hundreds of advertisements.
The main directory contains names, residences and occupations of the inhabitants of New South Wales. This is invaluable for being able to place a person at a particular location in a particular year, as well as also finding out their occupation, which can potentially lead to further avenues of research. Arranged alphabetically by town, each with brief gazetteer information relating to it, the inhabitants of each (householders), are then arranged alphabetically by surname.
The maps show the agricultural districts, the pastoral districts and the principal minerals found in New South Wales.
This book contains easily accessible lists and information on hundreds of towns and thousands of people involved in 1875 New South Wales.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921461934;