Sand's Sydney and Suburban Directory 1913


Cat No.:   AU2113-1913:

The 1913 directory of Sydney is fully titled 'Sands Sydney, Suburban and Country Directory for 1913 comprising, amongst other information, street, alphabetical, trade and professional, country towns, country alphabetical, pastoral, educational, governmental, parliamentary, law and miscellaneous lists.'

The directory also includes several indexes to different sections, other lists as well as many pages of advertisements - all useful information, often including names of people and places.

Being fully searchable and well set out, this directory is easy to navigate making it a useful resource for family historians.

The whole 2762 page directory, including most text in the ads, is searchable, useful not only for finding names, but also places, occupations and other information for family and local historians.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book. This CD can be viewed by any computer using Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 4 or later recommended). The data on this CD is completely self-contained, and requires no installation.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  yes;  ISBN No.:   9781921081958;