Australian Men of Mark 1889


Cat No.:   AU2007:

No of pages in original: 2891pp

Year published: (1889-90)

Australian Men of Mark was produced in two large volumes in 1888/1889. It is a wonderful centennial biographical record of thousands of men of the time.

This digital edition is unique and valuable in that it gathers all seven known variants of volume 2 into one complete fully searchable publication. All of volume 1 (same in all editions) and much of volume 2 contain substantial biographies and full page illustrations of the person concerned. Most volume 2 volumes also include a significant selection of mini-biographies - enabling inclusion of many more than would have been possible in larger form.

There are nearly 750 main biographies and over 3000 mini-biographies in the appendixes of some of the volume 2 series.

The subjects of the biographies originate from many different countries, and come from all walks of life. The main biographies are mostly 2 or more pages long, and contain valuable biographical and historical information. There are full page sepia portraits throughout.

A helpful introduction by Keith Johnson is included.

This is a most valuable resource - doubly so because it gathers for the first time all known variant editions into a single fully searchable product.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   9781921371486;