Cat No.: AU0131C:
No of pages in original: 20,137pp
Year published: (1913-1966)
The complete Australian Lutheran magazine from the first issue in 1913 through to the last in 1966 is now available and fully searchable.
The Australian Lutheran was the nationwide magazine for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Australia (ELCA) from 1913-1966. It gives an amazing insight into the issues of the day and the development and role of the Lutheran Church in Australian history and also provides a large amount of information on specific events and people in the Australian Lutheran churches past in the form of notices, including many marriages, deaths and obituaries. There are also comments on wider community issues and events.
With over 20,000 pages of information, this is a valuable and interesting mine of information for historians and researchers in many areas.
These magazines are also available in parts, divided by decade.
The Australian Lutheran 1913-20 see AU0131-1
The Australian Lutheran 1921-30 see AU0131-2
The Australian Lutheran 1931-40 see AU0131-3
The Australian Lutheran 1941-50 see AU0131-4
The Australian Lutheran 1951-60 see AU0131-5
The Australian Lutheran 1961-66 see AU0131-6
No. of CDs is: 9 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: YES; ISBN No.: 9781921416972;