Cat No.: AU0101-1889:
No of pages in original: 982pp
Year published: (1889)
Covering New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, West Australia, Fiji, New Guinea and New Zealand, the 'Australian Handbook' is a guide with all kinds of interesting unique information.
Apart from a descriptive account and statistical information of each Australia colony, you will also find details on climate, education, religion, agriculture, population, societies and clubs, parliamentary and official departments, local self-government, telegraphic and postal details, police, banking, shipping, mining and land regulations, newspaper, manufacturers, emigration, as well as naval and military forces. You will also find details of the governors, consuls and ecclesiastical appointments of the time.
The 'Importer's Directory', which takes up over 270 pages, is a comprehensive listing of all importers, manufacturers and shippers. For this importers you will find their name address and what they import (ie. machinery, groceries, hardware, musical instruments, or sewing machines etc.). Lists manufacturers and shippers from places throughout England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, the United States, and importers throughout Australia, New Zealand and Fiji.
Features of this Handbook include:
• detailed maps of each Australian colony
• detailed map of the plan of London
• many maps of Australian and New Zealand railways
• map of the plan of Brisbane
• many other colour maps of various places
• over 150 pages of gazetteer covering each Australia state and New Zealand
• land regulations for each state and New Zealand
• historical outline and chronology of events in Australian history
• extensive New Zealand coverage throughout - including the gazetteer, maps and other historical and reference content
• hundreds of advertisements
This handbook is an immense reference book to the world of our ancestors of nearly 120 years ago.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921371813;