Australian Representative Men - 1887 (592 pages, 130 biographies.)


Cat No.:   AU0040:

No of pages in original: 592pp

Year published: (1887)

This classic work was first issued in 1887 with 130 individual biographies of prominent Australians. It has since been released at least twice in 'improved' versions. This CD-ROM contains three known variants of it. Biographies from these three editions have been consolidated into one file and arranged in alphabetical order, totaling 149 in all. The original volumes did not have page numbers, but page numbers have been added for convenience. Title and contents pages from the three editions are included here but the date and order of each edition is uncertain.

Each biography is several pages long, and includes a portrait sketch of the individual. You will find military officers and parliamentarians amongst others here.

A wonderful record for those researching the history of Australia along with those that helped shape Australia to be what it is today.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   9781921494222;