Australasiatic Reminiscences of Twenty-three Years' Wanderings in Tasmania and the Australias
Cat No.: AU0036:
No of pages in original: 244pp
Year published: (1857)
Australasiatic Reminiscences was written by Daniel Bruce in 1875 as an account of twenty three years spent in "wanderings" in Tasmania and throughout Australia, including an expedition to the north of Australia with Dr Leichhardt.
It was written as personal memoirs and gives great detail of the author's personal experiences in his travels throughout Australia, as well as providing information and insight into the country's history and situation at this period of time.
A large section of the book includes a diary of the expedition to northern Australia with Dr Leichhardt by the author and includes an account by Dr Leichhardt.
An interesting and useful book, giving personal insight into Australias' history.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921230202;