Cat No.: AU0017-1930:
No of pages in original: 614pp
This fascinating handbook and directory contains information on motor vehicles and the motor trade generally. It covers passenger cars, commercial vehicles and motor cycles. This guide will interest a wide range of people, from family historians - with anyone in the motor trade in the 1930s, to local historians and members of car clubs or owners of pre-WW2 vehicles.
This directory includes lists of traders' associations and automobile clubs, motor car agents, motor truck agents, motor cycle agents, classified list of tyres, oils and greases, list of accessories, parts, machinery, tools and equipment, wholesale dealers distributing and/or importing for the motor trade, used car dealers, city, suburban and country garages, repair engineers, retailers of accessories and traders in motor lines operating in all states.
A fascinating guide to motoring in the 1930's.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921230448;