Cat No.: ARA0294:
Sixty-Fourth Annual Report of the Registrar General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England and Wales. (1901). Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. Published 1903. The contents of this report includes population (census & estimated). Detailed statistics of Births, Marriages and Deaths including causes. Offences against the Registration Acts, Literacy. A Meteorological Report for the year 1901. There are also included many interesting abstracts of Births, including number, rates, sex, illegitimate; Marriages, including number, rates, forms of marriage, ages signatures in marriage register etc. etc.; Deaths including number, general death rate, sex, ages, infantile mortality, urban and rural mortality, causes of deaths and deaths in public institutions etc. Also covered is strength and mortality of the Army & Navy ; Births & Deaths at sea and a tabulation of causes of death due to disease, both general and local. Etc. Plus an index of Registration Districts, Sub-districts and Urban Districts.
A useful reference guide for family and local historians which could be used to good effect in conjunction with the 1901 census.
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