Canada in the Great World War, by “Various Authorities” (Complete in six volumes)


Cat No.:   CA0039-S:

The title continues: “An authentic account of the military history of Canada from the earliest days to the close of the War of the Nations.”

The names of the “Various Authorities” and the volumes where their work can be found are:

A. C. Allenson: Vol.2; Lawrence J Burpee: Vol.1, 4, 5 & 6; F. A. Carman: Vol.6; Ernest J. Chambers: Vol.1; Robert H. Coats: Vol. 2: John A. Currie: Vol. 3; A. O. Dawson: Vol. 4; Allan Donnell: Vol. 4, 5 & 6; P. A. Errett: Vol 3 & 4; R. E. Gossnell: Vol. 3 & 4; Charles Hanbury-Williams: Vol. 1 & 2; Rowland H. Hill: Vol. 3, 4 & 5; Carrie E. Holman: Vol. 2; A. T. Hunter: Vol. 3; John Lewis: Vol. 2; H. W. Macdonnell: Vol. 4; J. S. B. Macpherson: Vol. 5 & 6; T. G. Marquis: Vol. 1, 2, 3 & 4; J. L. Melville: Vol. 5 & 6; J. E. Middleton: Vol. 2; T. W. Morse: Vol. 4; Ross Munro: Vol. 2; A. M. Plumptre: Vol. 2; Charles A. H. Raymond: Vol. 2 & 3; Ethel T. Raymond: Vol. 6; H. L. Robertson: Vol.5; Bernard K. Sandwell: Vol. 2; Duncan Campbell Scott: Vol. 3; W. Stewart Thompson: Vol. 2 & 3; W.(Wealtha) A. Willison: Vol. 4, 5 & 6; Ernest F. Wurtele: Vol. 5.

The subject matter is organized in approximately chronological order, especially given that the volumes were published, individually, over a period from 1917 to 1921 as follows:

Table of Volumes:

Vol. 1. Military History of Canada 1608-1914 Published 1917 see also CA0039-1

Vol. 2. Days of Preparation Published 1918 see also CA0039-2

Vol. 3. Guarding the Channel Ports Published 1919 see also CA0039-3

Vol. 4. The Turn of the Tide Published 1920 see also CA0039-4

Vol. 5 The Triumph of the Allies Published 1920 see also CA0039-5

Vol. 6 Special Services, Heroic Deeds etc. Published 1921 see also CA0039-6

The publication dates of volumes 2 through 6 also indicate that the events the authors are describing has the accuracy of fairly recently formed memories. On the other hand it also indicates that the writings may be influenced by the emotionally charged social atmosphere of a nation at, or recovering from a, war. Throughout, the narrative is liberally illustrated with many maps, plans and photographic reproductions.

This CD contains copies of all 6 volumes of “Canada in the Great War.” With such a large subject spread over a total of approximately 2700 pages it is difficult to capture the contents of the whole work in just a few words but you will find the List of Contents for each of the individual volumes listed in their individual descriptions, and we suggest you review these content descriptions to obtain a more detailed outline of the contents of this enormous work. The Catalogue Number of each of the individual volume CDs is given in the above table of volumes.

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No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   978-1-927503-07-2 ;