Victoria Police Gazette 1855


Cat No.:   AU7103-1855:

Police Gazettes kept police throughout Victoria informed on regulations within the Police Force, and police employment etc. For family historians interest is in the numerous references to individual policemen and criminals - and those against whom the offences occurred, which could have been anyone in community of the day. The crimes may be major, such as murder, rape and theft or lesser crimes such as desertion and various misdemeanours. Lists of pastoralists and a description of their brands appear at intervals

As with Government Gazettes they are largely an untapped resource. Now that is all changing - with the publication on affordable and searchable CD-ROM.

Just some of the information that can be found in the Police Gazette

housebreaking and stealing

highway robbery

felonies, murder, arson and other crimes

horse and cattle stealing

larceny and embezzlement

missing persons - with detailed descriptions

property lost and found

desertions - from vessels, police force, military

lists of those apprehended

escaped convicts - with descriptions (including other colonies)

ticket of leave holders

escaped lunatics

police notices from other colonies

police promotions, reductions and dismissals

miscellaneous information - which can include any information of police interest that does not into the regular categories of police notices

This searchable CD will be immensely useful to:

local historians

family historians

police historians

social historians

Just type in the name, place, crime or any other key word to quickly locate all occurrences throughout the 384 pages. Or just browse to learn more of the mid 19th Century world our ancestors lived in. This CD not only makes this immensely useful content affordable and readily available, but it unlocks the data with the impressive new searching it now offers.

Samples of some information in this volume

MISSING since Christmas Day, JASPER MORLEY, of Weston-street, Brunswick. He is a sawyer by trade, 23 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, florid complexion, brown hair, blue eyes. Information to ALFRED SIMMS, Duke of York Hotel, Great Collins-street

DESERTERS FROM H.M. SERVICE - THE undermentioned private deserted from the detachment of the 40th regiment stationed at Adelaide, on the 27th day of December, 1854: No. 2293, private William Doidge, 5 feet 6 inches high, fair complexion, black hair, grey eyes, native of Meath, County of Devon, trade laborer, dressed in fatigue jacket and white trousers.

A WARRANT has been issued by the Melbourne Bench for the apprehension of Thomas Nicholson, charged with deserting his wife. Information to the Clerk of Petty Sessions, Melbourne.—9th January, 1855.

562. LOST on the 4th January, 1855, at the New-Rush on the Avoca Road : 1 bay mare, small star on forehead, branded A near shoulder, about 15 hands high. £5 reward. Information to JOHN WATSON, near the Waterholes

Felonies, otherwise described. - DESCRIPTION of William Millward, charged with having, on the evening of the 8th of January instant, attempted to set fire to the house of JOSIAH FRENCHAM, at Melbourne. He is 30 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, sallow complexion, thin face, high cheek bones, face blotched, no whiskers. A warrant has been issued. Information to MR. FRENCHAM, Scottish Hotel, Great Bourke-street east, Melbourne.—9th January, 1855.

From SYDNEY CRIME REPORT, 5th February, 1855. - STOLEN from Mr. McCrofrin, Traveller's Rest Inn, near Armidale, on the night of the 24th January, 1855: 1 chesnut mare, off hind foot white, two remarkable warts on near cheek, and one under mane near side. Description of criminal:—A tall man, no whiskers, about 45 years old, and very deaf. No warrant issued. Mr. McCrofrin's stable was broken open, and the mare above described stolen, the owner of which offers a reward of 5l , and Mr. McCrofrin 21., on the recovery of the mare and apprehension of the offender.

Ticket-of-leave Holders - George {Smith, a native of Suffolk, carpenter, born 1833 5 feet 6 inches high, sallow complexion, black hair, blue eyes, medium mouth, nose, and chin, five stars, half letter H, small and large O on left arm, anchor on left wrist, several blue marks on back of left hand, anchor between thumb and forefinger left hand, blue marks on left fingers, ship Orient to Swan River, 1846; exile from Parkhurst. Tried at Geelong, 21st December, 1852, and sentenced to six years hard labor for horse stealing. Ticket-of-leave granted 21 st of December, 1855, for the district of Kilmore. John James Dawson, a native of Ashbourne,

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