Cat No.: AU6116-1850:
(307 pages)
What information does this Almanack and Kalendar contain?
Perfect for your social history, as this publication gives you details on the stage coach fares, details of newspapers publishing in the Australasian colonies, details on all the lodges and societies, shipping owners, as well as arrivals and departures, religious statistics, shipping agents, wholesales dealers, auctioneers and pawnbrokers. There is a gardening calendar, to know what to plant when, as well as a 'Home Directory' which contains details of the Sovereigns of England. This issue also includes a 'Tasmanian Official Directory' which gives lists of names, positions and salaries of government officers: government, banking, insurance, education, police and convict department, military, ministers of religion and many more ...
What areas are covered by this Almanack and Kalendar?
Primarily covering Tasmania, but the lists of government officers with salaries and statistics covers the Australasian and East Indian colonies: Ascension, Auckland Islands, Australia Felix, Bengal, Bombay, Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, Falkland Islands, Hong Kong, Labuan, Madras, Mauritius, New South Wales, New Zealand, Prince of Wales Island, Singapore, South Australia, St Helena, Western Australia, Van Diemen's Land.
How is this Almanck and Kalender useful to me?
It contains an immense amount information, both for the genealogist and historian. If you had ancestors in Tasmania in 1850 they may be listed here, together with their occupation, and salary. Apart from that, you can find out about the society they lived in, the local businesses (which includes 40 pages of advertisements), banks, transport, postage costs, churches, government offices, medical facilities and so much more. Part of the introduction to this publication states that it is "... a work which, for the abundance and variety and accuracy of its information, is by far the most useful ever issued ..."
High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book. This CD has been bookmarked for easy navigation, and pages can be searched, browsed, enlarged and printed out if required.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921371653;