History of Croydon - GEO Steinman Steinman ESQ, 1833.


Cat No.:   GB1096:

A history of Croydon town from around 1100 to 1800, with illustrations. It contains chapters on Early History and the Present state, Manors and Parks, Addiscombe, Charitable Institutions, The Palace, The Church, Benefactions to Croyden. Probably the most interesting section is the Chronology chapter containing interesting snippets of information about the goings on of the town between 1185 - 1744.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  ;

FastFind:  No;  ISBN No.:   unavailable;


Examples include,

"1200 - Two women, having stolen some clothes at Croindone, were pursued to South fleet where they were seized, imprisoned and afterwards tried by the Lord Henry de Cobham and other gentlemen of the county, who adjudged them to undergo the fire-ordeal. By this cruel and superstitious test of innocence one was acquitted, the other condemned and afterwards drowned in a pond called Bikepool."

"1728 - On the 12th of May, so violent a storm of hail and rain, with thunder and lightning, fell at Croyden as to strike the hail stones, which were from eight to ten inches round, some inches into the earth. The cattle were forced into ditches and drowned, the glass windows facing the storm were shattered and other great damage done."