Cat No.: AU5100-1853:
No of pages in original: 865pp
Year published: (1853)
Tens of thousands of ordinary people and localities, small and large, are mentioned every year in Government Gazettes. You will find details on proclamations, land transactions, court notices, notice of acts, tenders contracts, appointments and resignations, bankrupt and insolvency notices, impoundments, police auctions, unclaimed letters, storekeepers and publicans licences, rewards on offer, inquest verdicts and much more ...
Search for any number of names or places easily. Reconstruct events and circumstances in the lives of individuals and communities.
Some features of this year’s issues:
• publicans, wine and beer, storekeepers, auctioneers, depasturing and timber licences
• returns of felony - date, crime and property stolen, from whom, if apprehended, by whom and where, prisoner's name apprehended, result of examination, remarks.
• declarations of acreage deposited at the Crown Lands Office - name and acreage by Hundred
• naturalisations granted
• insolvent estates returns
• lists of intestate estates
• petitions for establishment of local councils and other concerns - listing hundreds of residents
• many shipping lists - with names of passengers (all the family) with ages
• returns of licenced school teachers.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: Yes; ISBN No.: 9781921416200;