History of the First Fifty Years of Freemasonry in South Australia 1834-1984


Cat No.:   AU5060:

No of pages in original: 476pp

Year published: (1916)

Author/Compiler: Glover, C.R.J.


Authored by Charles Glover, this was the first book to be written on the history of Freemasonry in South Australia. It is a highly regarded and authoritative work.

In his Introduction Glover states "the main object which I had in mind when undertaking the work was that of preserving, in a permanent and concise form, the existing evidence which relates to the early history of the Craft in South Australia, and which, being largely contained in documents scattered throughout the State, is on that account peculiarly liable to loss or destruction". He continues "... it must be regarded merely as a compilation of the records of the various Lodges in this state".

Covering the period 1834-1884, this book of over 470 pages is one that all with an interest in, or families involved with, Freemasonry in the colony of South Australia will welcome.

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FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   9781921461293;