Cat No.: CA0011:
A terrific book for anyone wanting to get the flavor and background of the Boer war without having to read through a more conventional history. This book is more like a Tabloid account of the war, relying as much on captioned pictures as it does on the written story. While reporting the war from beginning to end this book pays particular attention to the contribution made by the Canadian forces.There are 32 chapters each describing one or more incidents or aspects of the war in a chronological series. Some of these descriptions include reports and letters supposedly written by commanders and soldiers in the field.
As well as providing a map of the Ladysmith area and two of the battle of Paardeberg, there are hundreds of photographs and drawings of military activities, of civilian life in South Africa, of the Boers, and of the native inhabitants. All the main characters involved in the conflict are pictured as are a few of the other ranks. Of special interest are reproductions of contemporary cartoons, mostly from American newspapers, with explanations of their context.
Altogether there are over 500 illustrations, including a gallery of over 160 pictures at the end of the book, giving a real insight to what life during the war was like for both sides.
Like far too many interesting old books the copy we used to make this reproduction was badly worn. All the pages were loose and the dealer admitted he had dropped the book on the floor!
After some hours of sorting we found all the pages were there, except for two sheets from right at the front which appeared to contain illustrations and the second page of the Table of Contents.
In the event that we get access to a less worn copy of this book at a later date we will reproduce the missing pages (and the other damaged ones) and place them on our Web Site in pdf format so you can view and down-load them.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: No; ISBN No.: 1-897338-02-3;