Directory of Smiths Falls, Ontario c1948 (has household and business entries, etc., & a map) (on CD)
Cat No.: CA0077: (See also product CA0077-DL for this "book" as a downloadable file and save the mailing cost.)
A rare directory for Smiths Falls Ontario, a town which has strong ties to the Railroads as well as to the development of agricultural machinery. This directory isn't dated but from the introduction it can be implied that it was released in about 1948.
There are about 3000 household entries in the directory giving the family name, the householder's first name, their occupation, the spouses first name, the address and, if applicable, the phone number. Some entries also show the first names of other relatives living in the same house but are more frequently given as separate entries at the same address. The population of Smiths Falls was a little over 8,000 at the time the directory was published so it probably lists all the adult population.
The business directory section is contained in 6 pages. Almost every alternate page of the directory is devoted to local advertising. In addition to the directory entries there is civic information such as emergency telephone numbers, the location of Fire Alarm boxes, the collection times for mail and a list of the town's officials. There's even a picture of the Mayor.
The crowning touch of this little gem is a two page map of the the town showing the all important railroads, the streets, the public buildings, industrial sites, the course of the Rideau river and even the route of the hydro electricity cables.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: No; ISBN No.: 1-897338-25-2;