Handbook to the Colony of New South Wales 1858


Cat No.:   AU2028:

No of pages in original: 25pp

Year published: (1858)

This Handbook to the Colony of New South Wales was one of a series of similar guides to the Australian colonies written by the editor of the Australian and New Zealand Gazette as information for potential emigrants.

This small, but very useful, book tells the history and current state (as at 1858) of the colony very concisely. Covering the convict period, the pastoral age, then the discovery of gold, this is followed by features of the colony, climate, productions, minerals, population, and social features.

Information specific to those emigrating, including openings for emigrants, and assisted immigration, is also included.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  YES;  ISBN No.:   9781921461026;