Cat No.: GB0729:
Historical records dating back from 1889 to 1586.
For example:
'Court held July 10th 1598 - Tobias Gost, a shoemaker, who had not served out seven years' apprenticeship was allowed, with the consent of the Shoemakers, to continue his occupation upon payment to that Company of 5s, but this was not to be taken as a precedent for the future. He became a Freeman of the Borough. The Mayor seized the goods of William Barber, who had lately drowned himself, and they were valued at £3, 17s. It was agreed that the widow should have all the goods restored to her, she paying for the same 10s, and discharging the Coroner's fees, which she did. It was reported that malt of the best sort was to be bought at 24s a quarter, and the best beer was therefore to be sold at 4s the kinderkin, and the second sort as 2s 6d the kinderkin, and ale at 1s 6d the tub.'
March 10th 1685 - 'Robert Hazles and John Wilkinson were elected Assistants in the room of John Tisdall and Christopher Loft, "who had neglected their duty," William Prentice and Robert Romford in the room of Ralph Gladman and William Butler, removed out of the Borough, and John Sparling, hatter, in the room of John Burton, jun, deceased.'
A superb source of information for family historians. Includes an excellent index.
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