Cat No.: GB0687:
Published in 1864 this book describes hundreds and hundreds of Darlington people, in some cases people from the 18th century. We can find out what they were like, what they did, where they lived, when they were born, who their children were and when and how they died. An absolute gem for those researching their Darlington ancestors. From the preface:
'My original intention was to portray the characteristics of those who were prominent among us in their day and generation, but I discovered that a story might be told about every House, in every Row. Names were prolific in suggestions, and the accumulation of materials induced me to construct a book'.
There then follows a sentence which might easily apply to all of we Genealogists and Family Historians!
'I had to read and enquire, as well as to think and remember, and some of the facts stated in a couple of lines cost me many hours of research.'
The book has a good index, with hundreds of names, but there are many, many others in the book that did not make it into the index. The CD of the book will be fully searchable, using the find feature in Acrobat Reader (free software), so you will be able to search for any word or name.
No. of CDs is: 1 ; Format is: PDF ; Searchable?: YES;
FastFind: No; ISBN No.: unavailable;