Cambridge Directory 1935-6


Cat No.:   GB1290:

W. P. Spalding

A wonderfully comprehensive directory (with over 500 pages) of all of the households of Cambridge, including a detailed street by street listing of householders and their occupations, and a separate alphabetical listing too. Added to this is a comprehensive classified trades directory.

Looking at just a part of one street (Brewhouse Lane) we see:

51 Odell, A. Carman

52 Bond, Mrs

53 Hawkins, Chas., L,N.E.R. servant

54 Coltman, J

55 Pope, George

56 Huntlea, Charles, taxi-cab proprietor

57 Hutchinson, C.W., cycle agent

58 Joel, Wm., warehouseman

59 Wood, E., draper

60 & 61 Loates, Henry, labourer

62 Marsh, E.M., factory hand

and so on.

A superb reference source for those with ancestors in Cambridge. Locate your grandparents and their neighbours

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