Warner's History of Bath - 1801


Cat No.:   GB1105:

The book discusses Bath's history stretching across, Roman, Saxon and Danish times until 1801 when the book was published. It tackles the tales of the city's origins (previously embellished in Monk's histories of Bath) and describes how the waters first attracted people to the site. There are several chapters dedicated to the famous public baths and its special mineral content, as well as detailed chapters on the Civil, Military and Ecclesiastical history of the city from very early times to the 19th century. Furthermore the book has descriptions of the city's parishes, hospitals, churches, police and courts all illustrated with maps and pictures.

A great book to get an insight into how historical events and circumstances affected the lives of your Bath ancestors.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  ;

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