Dougal's Unclaimed Money Register


Cat No.:   GB1074:

This book contains about 70,000 names of people who have been advertised for to claim property and money. Dougal & Co. used to publish these lists and charge for a copy of the original advertisement. These are people who have died without leaving wills, and with no known beneficiaries. People in all parts of the world from 1650 up until the early 1900s are listed in this book.

If no beneficiary could be found, then the money went to the Probate Office of that country. It still remains there unclaimed .

In cases such as these, for example, if the person was British, the money goes to the Crown, and records are kept at the Principal Probate Office in London.

Unclaimed estates can still be claimed, no matter how old!

John Taylor of Kentucky was found to be the heir to the estate and earldom of Tyrone, valued at millions of pounds. A Stourbridge carpenter became the beneficiary of £25,000. The estate can be worth anything from a few pounds to millions.

To claim an estate, one needs to prove a blood relationship with the deceased, by means of birth and marriage certificates.

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