South Australian Police Gazette 1901


Cat No.:   AU5103-1901:

No of pages in original: 252pp

Year published: (1901)


So you've heard of Police Gazettes? But just what are they? These were weekly publications which were distributed among the Police Force, and included

information on all sorts of happenings within the state of South Australia.


Far from being just a unique, useful and extremely fascinating resource for local, family and social historians, these Police Gazettes contain details and

information that can not be found anywhere else. As well as listing those in the police force with promotions, resignations, commendations etc, you will find

information on courts lists, arson, murders, deserters, lists of those arrested and discharged, warrants issued, escaped prisoners, missing persons, details of lost and stolen items (and from whom), apprehensions and more. Notices from police gazettes from other states are also often included.

Example entry taken from the 17 April 1901 issue:

The Marine Stores Act, 1898-9

List of marine store dealers' licences issued by the Local Court of Adelaide for the quarter ending the 31st day of March, 1901.

No. 19 Green, Phillip Henry, Gilbert Street, Adelaide, January 9th, 1901,

No. 20. Koop, Conrad Frederick Charles, Hurtle Square, Adelaide, January 9th, 1901.

No. 18 Radcliffe, Robert, Gilbert and O'Halloran Street, Adelaide, January 9th, 1901.

No. 16 Smith, Hugh, 105 Angas Street, Adelaide, January 16th, 1901.

No. 25 Penno, Henry Joseph, 133 Pirie Street, Adelaide, January 16th, 1901.

No. 33 Forwood, Down & Co., Limited, Hindley Street, Adelaide, January 30th, 1901.

No. 34 Lob, Jacob Louis, Rundle Street, Adelaide, January 31st, 1901.

No. 17 Watkins, David William, 208 Currie Street, Adelaide, January 31st, 1901.

No. 24 Allgood, William, Union Street, off Rundle Street, Adelaide, January 31st, 1901

No. 34 Strapps, Samuel, Currie Street, Adelaide, Ferbuary 28th, 1901.

No. 29 Conway, Christopher, Port Road, York, March 3rd, 1901.

No. 23 Curtis, John, Wright Street, Adelaide, March 13th, 1901.

No. 46 Warningham, Henry, O'Halloran Street, Adelaide, February 28th, 1901.

A fascinating read for learning about the social history of the time, even if you don't have family there - this CD contains all issues that were produced in


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