
Pugh's Almanac and Directory of Queensland 1883

$15.00 $7.50

Cat No.:   AU4115-1883:

Queensland Directories are very hard to come by. This Almanac, Directory and Gazetteer will therefore be particularly useful to researchers with Queensland interests in the 1880s. Like all Pugh's almanacs it contains a wealth of information.

The range of subjects is illustrated by just the A an B entries from the detailed table of contents.

Acclimatisation Society

Acts Passed Eighth Parliament

Advertisements, Index to

American Coinage

Agricultural Returns

Agricultural and Pastoral Societies (See Towns Directory)

Aramac Directory

Arrivals and Departures


Astronomical Notes


Attorneys, .Examiners for

Auditor-General's Department

Australian Statistics

Bailiffs and Rangers of Crown Lands

Bank Holidays

Banking Establishments

Baptist Church

Barcoo Social Club

Barometer and Thermometer Readings


Barristers, Examiners for

Benevolent Asylum, Dunwich

Bible Christian Church

Births and Deaths

Births and Deaths, Office for

Blackall Directory

Board for Relief of Poor

Border Patrol

Botanic Gardens

Botanist, Colonial

Bowen Directory

Brands, Inspectors of


Broughton Directory

Bundaberg Directory

Burdekin Directory

Byerstown Directory

The whole 509 pages are searchable on all text, including the numerous advertisements that are part of this volume.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   9781920978747;