Stewart's Handbook of the Pacific Islands 1921 - P. Allan


Cat No.:   AU9110-1921:

Stewart's Handbook was written by Percy S. Allen and revised annually. Each year a comprehensive account of all of the Pacific Islands is included.

The book is divided into islands owned by New Zealand, France, Britain, USA, and Australia. It is then divided into separate island groups. Information on each group of islands gives a comprehensive history and geography of each island. This is often accompanied by information on government officials, trade statistics, churches, business, shipping, population, customs and tariffs, exports and lists of residents. It includes a map detailing the entire Pacific.

This book is a complete resource for those interested in the history of the Pacific Islands.

The whole text is searchable. Search for any word in the text - names, places and more.

High quality scanned images of the whole of the original book. This CD can be viewed by any computer using Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 4 or later recommended). The data on this CD is completely self-contained, and requires no installation.

System Requirements: Windows 95 or later, CD-ROM drive, Adobe Acrobat. Also suitable for Macintosh or Unix operating systems.

No. of CDs is:  1 ;   Format is:  PDF ;   Searchable?:  YES;

FastFind:  Yes;  ISBN No.:   9781921081866;